华家岭: huajialing蒋家岭: jiangjialing罗家岭: luojialing茅家岭: maojialing钱家岭: qianjialing万家岭: wanjialing杨家岭: yangjialing张家岭: zhang jialing; zhangjialing一家: introducing the dwights; kazuie; shrek the halls; the royal tenenbaums甘肃华家岭: huajialing屈家岭文化: ch'u-chia-ling culture; qujialing culture万家岭战役: battle of wanjialing第一家: digital suning; first hand; mf840简一家: jeans默一家: dans la iourmente小一家: kozakura-ikka一家春: father marries again一家叫: teresa house一家亲: yi jia qin一家人: all of the same family; one family 我们是一家人。 we are of the same family一家子: all in the family一家挨着一家: from door to door爱国一家: all patriots belong to one family.; all patriots come together like one family.: 爱国一家, 爱国不分先后。 all patriots belong to one big family, whether they rally to the common cause early or late.; all patriots belong to one big family, whether they come forward early or late布莱克一家: the blacks一家挪威的食品公司,与: elopak一家两制: two systems in one family