

[ yīkǒngzhijiàn ] 发音:   "一孔之见"的汉语解释   用"一孔之见"造句
  • a peephole view; very limited outlook; a limited view; a narrow view; glimpse of the truth; one-sided view; partial understanding; view through a peep hole


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The limited views on how to use model 70 piston ammonia reciprocating compressor
  2. This text views on this upsurge based on analysis of multiple claims on education industrialization
  3. Actually they are already studied in some articles . herein the author only intends to present her personal opinions so as to learn from experts
  4. At last , there is a hope that this thesis can use for a certain reference to the development of the information resource during the agricultural industrialization
  5. This thesis is trying to give a full - scale glimpse on the legal issue concerning the domain name , and this writer wishes his work could improve the research of the domain name


        一孔:    kazuyoshi
        十一孔:    eleven punch
        以……之见:    in one’s opinion, in the opinion of sb
        英之见:    apple daily
        第一孔型:    first pass
        每列一孔:    numeric punch
        一孔土窑:    a cave dwelling
        已钻孔之裸板:    drilled blank board
        尘俗之见:    a commonplace view 他所说的不过是尘俗之见而已。 what he has said is a mere commonplace view
        陈腐之见:    an outworn opinion
        独到之见:    show unique ingenuity; have an inventive mind; have one's special excellence at; show [display] one's unique ability
        非视之见:    aspectual seeing
        妇人之见:    shortsighted [worthless] views not to be taken seriously
        管蠡之见:    the view through a tube and the measure with a calabash -- limited outlook
        井蛙之见:    tunnel vision
        门户之见:    parochial prejudice; sectarian views; sectarian bias; sectarianism; factional views; the views that arisefrom the dogmas of different schools
        皮毛之见:    superficial opinion
        视差之见:    the parallax view
        书生之见:    a pedantic view
        先入之见:    preconception; preconceived idea [notion]; prejudice; the first idea that came into one's head [mind]
        一偏之见:    one sided view
        一隅之见:    a glance from a corner
        依某人之见:    in one's opinion; in one’s opinion
        依我之见:    as for me; in my opinion; on my personal note; to my mind a surname
        一控双达标政策:    policy of “one order two goals; policy of“one order, two goals
        一口:    1.(表示口气坚决) with certainty; readily; flatly 一口答应 readily agree; readily promise; 一口否认 flatly deny; 一口回绝 flatly refuse; 一口咬定 assert categorically; accuse definitely2.(纯正) pure 讲一口地道的英语 speak idiomatic english3.[量] a mouthful; a bite 一口蛋糕 a bite of cake; 呷一口威士忌 take a nip of whisky; 今天我们一口饭都没吃。 we have not had a bite today. 他要一口把它吃掉。 he wants to eat it up at a mouthful


        一孔之见的法语:avoir une vue bornée;l'horizon limité de qn
        一孔之见的日语:〈成〉見識が狭く偏っていること.▼謙譲語として用いることが多い. 这是我的一孔之见,供 gōng 您参考/これは私の愚見で,ご参考までに申し上げただけです.
        一孔之见的韩语:【성어】 구멍을 통해 본 것; 좁은 식견[소견]. [겸양어(謙讓語)로 많이 쓰임]
        一孔之见的俄语:[yīkōngzhī jiàn] обр. не видеть дальше своего носа
        一孔之见什么意思:yī kǒng zhī jiàn 【解释】从一个小窟窿里所看到的。比喻狭隘片面的见解。 【出处】汉·桓宽《盐铁论·相刺》:“持规而非矩,执准而非绳,通一孔,晓一理,而不知权衡。” 【示例】以上所说是我个人的~,仅供大家参考。 【拼音码】ykzj 【灯谜面】顺着竹筒往外看;针眼里观景洞口;洞察;儒家观点 【用法】偏正式;作宾语;含贬义 【英文】glimpses of the truth <...


  1. "一课"英文
  2. "一课千金"英文
  3. "一空同两"英文
  4. "一孔"英文
  5. "一孔土窑"英文
  6. "一控双达标政策"英文
  7. "一口"英文
  8. "一口, 满口"英文
  9. "一口(饭),一点儿(吃的东西)"英文
  10. "一口吃不成胖子"英文


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