That hiss, faint as it was, irritated the irascible david . 那嘘声,虽然很轻,却惹火了暴躁的戴维。
"what does he come here cheeking us for, then?" cried kidderminster, showing a very irascible temperament . “他干嘛来咱们这儿撒野?”基德敏士特大发脾气地叫道。
His father paused and looked backthe harsh level stare beneath the shaggy, graying, irascible brows . 父亲停了下来,回过头去在那灰白而又易怒的两道浓眉下面,一双严厉的眼睛直盯看他。
She knew the irascible old gentleman would never lift a finger against his grandson, whatever he might say to the contrary . 她知道这个暴跳如雷的老绅士话说得再凶,也不会用一根指头打他的孙子。
He ' s too kvetchy . he ' s being irascible 他太吹毛求疵而且还性情暴躁