Warrington was curious, and not ill pleased at the musician's taunts and irascibility . 沃林顿有些惊讶,但没有计较乐师的奚落和愤怒。
Work to usually regret , irascibility , fidgety and pessimism , and is hard to control own motion 做事经常后悔、易怒、烦躁、悲观,难以控制自己的情绪。
Cold colors are applicable to dysphoria , irascibility , terror and fear as well as mania , epilepsy , etc 适用于烦躁易怒、失眠惊恐诸证以及狂证、癫证等。
It was this constant urging , coupled with irascibility and energy , for three long hours 他就这样不断地督促着,加上脾气暴躁和精力充沛,过了长长的个钟头。
But the greatest , far the greatest of the princesss burdens was her fathers irascibility , which was invariably directed against his daughter , and had of late reached the point of cruelty 然而她父亲经常对女儿大发雷霆,近来已经达到了残忍的地步,这也就最使公爵小姐感到苦恼。