1. 一切都得重新开始 Everything had to be begun o...
  2. 一切都是事先确定好了的 Everything has been fixed in...
  3. 一切阶级斗争都是政治斗争 Every class struggle is a po...
  4. 一切险 all risk
  5. 一切险条款 all risks clause
  6. 一列 row
  7. 一列士兵 a row of soldiers
  8. 一列客车 a passenger train
  9. 一列式组装机 in-line assembly machine
  10. 一列满载煤炭的火车 a train laden with coal
  11. 一列车队呼啸而过 A motorcade whirred by.
  12. 一列长龙 a long queue
  13. 一则令人捧腹的笑话 an amusing joke
  14. 一刹那 in an instant
  15. 一刻 a short while
  16. 一刻不离 not to leave sb. for a singl...
  17. 一刻千金 Time is precious.
  18. 一刻如年 a quarter of an hour is like...
  19. 一剁两段 cut into two at a stroke
  20. 一剂中药 a dose of Chinese herbal med...
  21. 一剂致死的毒药 a lethal dose of poison
  22. 一剗 without exception
  23. 一副 a pair
  24. 一副严肃的面孔 a solemn look
  25. 一副可怜相 a pitiful appearance
  26. 一副好心肠 a kind heart
  27. 一副对联 a couplet
  28. 一副手套 a pair of gloves
  29. 一副新眼镜 a new pair of glasses
  30. 一副眼镜 a pair of glasses
  31. 一副穷凶极恶的样子 with the look of a fiendish ...
  32. 一副笑脸 a smiling face
  33. 一副讨好面孔 a smooth face
  34. 一力 do one's best
  35. 一力成全 do one's best to help
  36. 一动 a move
  37. 一动不动 keep one's body unmoved
  38. 一动不如一静 Moving is not as good as sta...
  39. 一劳永逸 put things right once and fo...
  40. 一包棉纱 a bale of cotton yarn
  41. 一包毛巾 a package of towels
  42. 一包火柴 a box of matches
  43. 一包香烟 a packet of cigarettes
  44. 一匙 spoon
  45. 一匙盐 a spoonful of salt
  46. 一匙糖 a spoon of sugar
  47. 一匡天下 unite the whole empire under...
  48. 一匹 a
  49. 一匹布 a bolt of cloth
  50. 一匹没有人骑的马跑过去了 A horse without a rider ran ...

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