1. 踏青 walk on the green grass -- g...
  2. 踏青扫墓 go out in spring when the gr...
  3. 踏青赏春 go out to enjoy the beautifu...
  4. 踏青赏花 go for a walk in the country...
  5. sprain
  6. trample
  7. 踔厉 full of vigour
  8. 踔厉风发 summon up one's courage for ...
  9. tread on
  10. ankle
  11. 踝关节 ankle
  12. 踝子骨 anklebone
  13. 踝宽 ankle breadth
  14. 踝浮肿 edema of the ankle
  15. 踝节部肿得很厉害 The ankle was badly swollen.
  16. 踝部伤筋 periankle injury
  17. 踝骨 ankle bone
  18. crouch
  19. 踞高临下 look down from a height
  20. 踟蹰 hesitate
  21. 踟蹰不决 remain in a undecided state
  22. 踟蹰不前 hesitate to move forward
  23. kick
  24. 踢任意球 kick out
  25. 踢开绊脚石 kick away a stumbling block
  26. 踢打 savate
  27. 踢打交加 mingled kicking and beating
  28. 踢断门槛 visit too frequently
  29. 踢毽子 kick the shuttlecock
  30. 踢球 kick the ball
  31. 踢皮球 kick a ball
  32. 踢翻一把椅子 kick over a chair
  33. 踢脚板 skirting board
  34. 踢腾 kick at random spend freely
  35. 踢腿 split kick
  36. 踢足球 play football
  37. 踢蹬 kick at random spend extrava...
  38. 踢进一个球 kick a goal
  39. fall
  40. prop
  41. frightened pressed
  42. 踧踖 in a mincing step or manner ...
  43. step on
  44. 踩出 tread
  45. 踩出葡萄汁 tread out the juice from gra...
  46. 踩在脚下 tread underfoot
  47. 踩实 tread
  48. 踩左踩右 be at odds with
  49. 踩成泥泞 poach
  50. 踩捕 make police investigation of...

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