1. go around
  2. 踅摸 look for
  3. kick squat on the heels move...
  4. 踉见 "跳踉"
  5. 踉跄 stagger
  6. 踉跄而行 stagger along
  7. 踉踉跄跄 stumble along
  8. leap up
  9. 踊跃 leap
  10. 踊跃参军 vie with one another to join...
  11. 踊跃响应号召 respond to a call enthusiast...
  12. 踊跃欢呼 leap and cheer vying with on...
  13. 踊跃输将 subscribe or contribute will...
  14. 踌伫 hesitate
  15. 踌躇 hesitate
  16. 踌躇不决 think back and forth without...
  17. 踌躇不前 hang back
  18. 踌躇不安 be in fidgets
  19. 踌躇半晌 pondered for a while
  20. 踌躇彷徨 dawdle and hesitate
  21. 踌躇满志 enormously proud of one's su...
  22. step on
  23. 踏上人生的道路 tread the path of life
  24. 踏上征程 step on a long journey
  25. 踏上征途 embark on the road
  26. 踏上故土 step foot on one's native la...
  27. 踏上旅途 set forth on a journey
  28. 踏上非洲的土地 set foot on African soil
  29. 踏勘 make an on-the-spot survey
  30. 踏勘测量 exploration survey
  31. 踏实 dependable
  32. 踏实苦干 down-to-earth effort
  33. 踏月吟咏 chant poems walking in the m...
  34. 踏板 footstep
  35. 踏歌 beat time to a song with the...
  36. 踏步 mark time
  37. 踏步不前 mark time and make no headwa...
  38. 踏看 go to the spot to make an in...
  39. 踏破铁鞋 wear out iron shoes -- spare...
  40. 踏破门槛 have worn out sb.'s doorstep
  41. 踏胜寻幽 choose places of scenic beau...
  42. 踏脚 step tread
  43. 踏脚板 run board
  44. 踏脚石 stepping-stone
  45. 踏跺 firing step
  46. 踏跺坡 banquette slope
  47. 踏踏实实 in a thoroughgoing manner
  48. 踏雪寻梅 go over the snow in search o...
  49. 踏雪寻芳 tread on snow in the hope of...
  50. 踏雪而来 tramp towards sb. through th...

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