- leap and cheer vying with one another br>eagerly br>enthusiastically br>
- 踊跃: leap; jump
- 欢呼: hail; cheer; acclaim; jubila ...
- 踊跃: 1.(跳跃) leap; jump 踊跃欢呼 leap and cheer2.(形容情绪热烈) vying with one another; eagerly; enthusiastically 踊跃参军 vie with one another to join the army; 踊跃响应号召 respond to a call enthusiastically; 会上发言踊跃。 people took the floor one after another
- 欢呼: hail; cheer; acclaim; jubilate; holler 欢呼声 shouts of joy; cheers; 欢呼伟大的胜利 hail the great victory; 欢呼雀跃 shout and jump for joy
- 欢喜踊跃: rejoiced excitedly