1. 对外 external
  2. 对外偿付能力 external solvency
  3. 对外兑换性 external convertibility
  4. 对外公债 external public debt
  5. 对外关系 external relations
  6. 对外军事援助 foreign military assistance
  7. 对外劳务收入 income from labour service i...
  8. 对外商品交换 exchange of commodities in f...
  9. 对外工作 external work
  10. 对外广播 overseas broadcast
  11. 对外广播节目 radio program for listeners ...
  12. 对外开放 opening up
  13. 对外开放地区 open district
  14. 对外开放的基地 base for implementing the op...
  15. 对外开放的窗口 window open to the outside w...
  16. 对外成交 do business with foreign fir...
  17. 对外扩张 external expansion
  18. 对外承包公司 foreign contract company
  19. 对外承包工程 contract foreign projects
  20. 对外技术援助 foreign technical assistance
  21. 对外投资 investments abroad
  22. 对外投资利润额 income on investments abroad
  23. 对外援助 foreign aid
  24. 对外支付差额 balance of external payments
  25. 对外政策 external policy
  26. 对外服务公司 foreign service company
  27. 对外检疫规章 foreign quarantine regulatio...
  28. 对外清偿能力 external liquidity
  29. 对外界的印象 impression of the outside wo...
  30. 对外界的认识 knowledge of the external wo...
  31. 对外短期负债 external short-term liabilit...
  32. 对外窗口 the window to the outside wo...
  33. 对外经济关系 China's economic relations w...
  34. 对外经济扩张 external economic expansion
  35. 对外经济技术交流 economic and technological e...
  36. 对外经济援助 foreign economic assistance
  37. 对外经济援助法案 foreign economic aid act.
  38. 对外经济政策 foreign economic policy
  39. 对外经济法律顾问处 foreign economic legal consu...
  40. 对外经济活动 foreign economic activities
  41. 对外经济贸易大学 University of International ...
  42. 对外职能 external function
  43. 对外联络部部长 Head of the International Li...
  44. 对外英镑 external sterling
  45. 对外贸易 foreign trade
  46. 对外贸易专营制 exclusive control of foreign...
  47. 对外贸易中心 foreign trade centre
  48. 对外贸易乘数 foreign trade multiplier
  49. 对外贸易仲裁 foreign trade arbitration
  50. 对外贸易仲裁委员会 foreign trade arbitration co...

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