

发音:   用"对外广播"造句
  • external broadcast
  • overseas broadcasting


  1. Does the bbc world service project a favourable view of great britain
  2. Excerpts of the speeches pronounced at the meeting marking the centenary birth of mr . liang sicheng
  3. Speech ant the meeitng marking the 60th anniversary of china ' s overseas broadcasting and china radio international
  4. The methods used included interviews , reading books and newspapers or magazines at the library , listening to the radios and watching tvs etc . during the interview , some people were reluctant in answering all of our questions , as the subject was judged sensitive and could not be divulged to anybody , especially to foreigners


        对外:    external; foreign
        广播:    broadcast; be on the air; ai ...
        对外广播部:    world service
        对外广播节目:    radio program for listeners overseas
        对外广播新闻局:    foreign broadcasting information service
        对外广播中文网站:    irib
        中国广西对外广播电台:    guangxi foreign broadcasting station
        海外广播:    oversea broadcast
        室外广播:    outside broadcasting
        对外广告技术公司:    tekhvneshreklama
        四川对外广告公司:    sichuan foreign advertising corp
        重庆对外广告公司:    chongqing foreign advertising corp
        对外广告展览有限公司:    foreign ad
        武汉市对外广告公司:    wuhan foreign advertising corp
        实况无线电广播,实况转播,室外广播:    outside broadcasting
        北京海外广播影视交流中心:    beijing overseas broadcasting film and television exchange center; beijing overseas broadcasting, film and television exchange center
        外广延:    exterior extent
        对外:    external; foreign 对外经济贸易大学 university of international business and economics; 对外贸易学院 institute of foreign trade; 对外部 (新华社) home news for overseas service department; 对外偿付能力 external solvency; 对外成交 do business with foreign firms; 对外承包工程 contract foreign projects; contract projects abroad; 对外承包公司 foreign contract company; 对外窗口 the window to the outside world; 对外短期负债 external short-term liabilities; 对外兑换性 external convertibility; 对外服务公司 foreign service company; 对外公债 external public debt; 对外工作 external work; work in the field of external relations; 对外关系 external [foreign] relations; 对外广播 overseas broadcast; 对外广播节目 radio program for listeners overseas; 对外技术援助 foreign technical assistance; 对外检疫规章 foreign quarantine regulation; 对外经济法律顾问处 foreign economic legal consultancy office; 对外经济关系 china's economic relations with foreign countries; 对外经济活动 foreign economic activities; 对外经济技术交流 economic and technological exchange with the outside world; foreign economic and technical exchange; 对外经济扩张 external economic expansion; 对外经济援助 foreign economic assistance; 对外经济援助法案 foreign economic aid act.; 对外经济政策 foreign economic policy; 对外军事援助 foreign military assistance; 对外开放 opening up [policy]; opening to the outside world; 对外开放的窗口 window open to the outside world; 对外开放的基地 base for implementing the open policy; 对外开放地区 open district; 对外开放, 对内搞活经济的政策 policy of opening to the outside world and invigorating [enlivening] the domestic economy; 对外扩张 external expansion; 对外劳务收入 income from labour service in foreign countries; 对外清偿能力 external liquidity; 对外商品交换 exchange of commodities in foreign trade; 对外投资 investments abroad; investment in foreign countries; 对外投资利润额 income on investments abroad; 对外英镑 external sterling; 对外援助 foreign aid [assistance]; 对外政策 external [foreign] policy; 对外支付差额 balance of external payments; 对外职能 external function
        国外广报课:    overseas information division
        户外广告:    outdoor advertisement; outdoor advertising
        外广告媒体:    out-of-home media hnysk
        外广延度:    exterior extent
        广播:    broadcast; be on the air; airing 开始广播 go on the air; 实况广播 live broadcast; live transmissions over the radio or television; 停止广播 go off the air; 外语广播 foreign language broadcast; 有线[无线] 广播 wired [wireless] broadcasting; 作广播讲话 speak over the radio; broadcast a talk; 现在全文广播《人民日报》社论。 we now bring you the full text of the renmin ribao editorial. 有些电台一天二十四小时广播。 some stations broadcast 24 hours of the day.; 广播报时 time signal in broadcasting; 广播波 broadcast wave; 广播波段 [讯] broadcast band; standard broadcast band; 广播操 setting up exercises to radio music; 广播大会 broadcast meeting; 广播大学 radio university; wireless university; 广播电视 broadcast television; 广播电视大学 radio and tv university classes; 广播电台 broadcasting station; broadcast transmitting station; broadcaster; 广播稿 broadcast script; 广播功率 broadcasting power; 广播机构 broadcaster; 广播记者 broadcasting reporter; 广播讲话 broadcast speech; radio talk; 广播教学 distance teaching; 广播接收机 broadcasting receiver; 广播接收站 broadcast reception station; 广播节目 broadcasting program; 广播节目表 across-the-board; 广播节目间的广告 cowcatcher; 广播竞选 talkathon; 广播剧 radio play; 广播喇叭 loudspeaker; 广播录音 sound program recording; 广播录音机 recorder for broadcasting; announce machine; announce recorder; 广播频带 broadcast band; 广播频段 broadcast band; 广播频率 broadcast frequency; broadcasting frequency; 广播评论员 radio commentator; 广播时间 airtime; 广播室 studio; broadcasting room; 广播体操 setting up exercises to radio music; 广播天线 broadcast antenna; broadcasting antenna; 广播听众 broadcasting listener; 广播网 broadcast network; rediffusion network; 广播卫星 broadcasting satellite; 广播系统 broadcasting system; 广播新闻 broadcasting news; 广播信道 broadcast channel; 广播形式 forms of broadcasting; 广播业务 broadcasting service; 广播语言 broadcasting language; 广播员 speaker; broadcaster; (radio) announcer; 广播站 broadcasting service; broadcasting station (of a factory, school, etc.); rediffusion station; 广播转播车 outside broadcast vehicle
        标准户外广告:    standardized outdoor advertising
        户外广告媒体:    out-of-home media



  1. "对外关系学会(德)"英文
  2. "对外关系与计划研究司"英文
  3. "对外关系专员"英文
  4. "对外关系总署"英文
  5. "对外管制"英文
  6. "对外广播部"英文
  7. "对外广播节目"英文
  8. "对外广播新闻局"英文
  9. "对外广播中文网站"英文
  10. "对外广告技术公司"英文


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