1. 寥天 the broad sky
  2. 寥寥可数 very few
  3. 寥寥数行 just a few lines
  4. 寥寥数语 a few words
  5. 寥寥无伴 lonely quiet
  6. 寥寥无几 very few left -- scanty
  7. 寥廓 boundless
  8. 寥廓天际 the boundless sky
  9. 寥廓的天空 the boundless sky
  10. 寥廓苍穹 the spacious firmament
  11. 寥戾 carrying far
  12. 寥若晨星 as few as stars at dawn Vinu...
  13. 寥落 few and far between
  14. stockade camp
  15. 寨主 chief of brigands
  16. 寨墙 bulwark
  17. 寨子 stockaded village
  18. a surname
  19. 寪氏 Wei Shi
  20. 寮全 Liao Quan
  21. 寮名 small house
  22. 寮棚 shed
  23. extensive region
  24. 寰宇 the whole world a surname
  25. 寰宇无双 There is no equal in the wor...
  26. 寰椎体 atlantean centrum
  27. 寰球 the earth
  28. 寱同 "呓"
  29. cun,a unit of length
  30. 寸丝不挂 be stark naked
  31. 寸丝半粟 an inch of silk and half a g...
  32. 寸关尺 cun,guan and chi,three place...
  33. 寸功 small contribution
  34. 寸功未立 haven't made the smallest co...
  35. 寸口 a person's pulse on the wris...
  36. 寸口脉 Cunkou pulse
  37. 寸土不让 never to yield an inch of gr...
  38. 寸土必争 fight for every inch of land
  39. 寸地千金 An inch of land is worth a t...
  40. 寸寸河山 every inch of territory
  41. 寸尺不存 Nothing was saved.
  42. 寸居敬 Cun Jujing
  43. 寸心 feelings
  44. 寸心不忘 bear in mind forever
  45. 寸断 be broken up into very short...
  46. 寸有所长 An inch has length. -- Every...
  47. 寸木岑楼 as a short pole compared wit...
  48. 寸楮尺素 an inch of mulberry bark and...
  49. 寸楷 regular script in one-cun-si...
  50. 寸步 a tiny step

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