

发音:   "寸有所长"的汉语解释   用"寸有所长"造句
  • an inch has length. -- every man has his strong point.; sometimes an inch may prove long
  • :    cun,a unit of length
  • 有所:    to some extent; somewhat
  • :    older; elder; senior
  • 尺有所短,寸有所长:    Every man has his strong and weak points.Everyone has his shortcomings and merits.Everyone has his weak points as well as his strong ones.
  • 尺有所短寸有所长:    everyone has his shortcomings and merits


        :    cun,a unit of length
        有所:    to some extent; somewhat
        :    older; elder; senior
        尺有所短,寸有所长:    Every man has his strong and weak points.Everyone has his shortcomings and merits.Everyone has his weak points as well as his strong ones.
        尺有所短寸有所长:    everyone has his shortcomings and merits
        各有所长:    each one has his good points.; each one has sth. in which he excels.; everybody has his strong points.; everyman has his merits
        所长:    所长what one is good at; one's strong point; one's forte
        有所:    to some extent; somewhat 有所反复 oscillate; 有所改善 better; 有所借鉴 have certain experience to draw on; 有所偏好 loves it specially; 有所企图 have an axe to grind; 有所追求 be after sth.; 有所遵循 have sth. to go by
        副所长:    deputy head
        兼所长:    professor and director
        所长bureau:    head of an institute bureau etc
        所长what:    one's forte
        所长(副):    president(vice)/chief/director(deputy)
        所长室:    director’s office
        有所思:    something to think about
        别所长治:    bessho nagaharu
        非其所长:    be out of one's domain 他是个板球运动员, 体操非其所长。 as a cricketer, gymnastics is out of his domain
        各显所长:    each one displays that in which he excels
        各展所长:    each gives full play to his strong point
        尽其所长:    work or endeavour to the best of one's ability
        拘留所所长:    commanding officer of the detention unit
        派出所所长:    police inspector
        师其所长:    learn from his good points
        所长布朗:    joachim von braun
        所长布鲁斯:    rodney brooks


        寸有所长什么意思:cùn yǒu suǒ cháng 【解释】比喻平平常常的人或事物,也会有他的长处。 【出处】《楚辞·卜居》:“尺有所短,寸有所长。” 【拼音码】cysc 【用法】紧缩式;作宾语;比喻平平常常的人或事物


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