1. 寝具 bedding
  2. 寝室 chamber
  3. 寝宫 imperial burial place
  4. 寝寐不安 lie awake with sth. on one's...
  5. 寝承 Qin Cheng
  6. 寝车 sleeping car or carriage
  7. 寝食 sleeping and eating
  8. 寝食不安 feel uneasy even when eating...
  9. 寝食俱废 unable to swallow a bite of ...
  10. quiet
  11. examine
  12. 察三访四 inquire about other's thing ...
  13. 察办 investigate a case and deter...
  14. 察勘 survey
  15. 察及秋毫 find out the slightest parti...
  16. 察如冰鉴 examine a matter as ice refl...
  17. 察察为明 be astute in trival matters
  18. 察核 investigate a case and then ...
  19. 察病指南 A Guide to Diagnosis of Dise...
  20. 察看 watch
  21. 察看四周的动静 peer in all directions to se...
  22. 察看地形 survey the terrain
  23. 察看杀虫药的治虫效果 check the effectiveness of t...
  24. 察童 Cha Tong
  25. 察觉 be conscious of
  26. 察觉到危险 sense the danger
  27. 察觉到敌人的阴谋 discover the plot of the ene...
  28. 察觉限度 detection limit
  29. 察言观色 examine a man's language and...
  30. 察访 make calls and investigate
  31. 察访这些珍贵艺术品的下落花费了多年的时间 The investigation and inuqui...
  32. 寡不敌众 be hopelessly outnumbered
  33. 寡人 I,the sovereign
  34. 寡头 oligarch
  35. 寡头垄断 oligopoly
  36. 寡头政治 oligarchy
  37. 寡妇 widow
  38. 寡妇再嫁 remarry after one's husband'...
  39. 寡居期 widowhood
  40. 寡廉鲜耻 have no sense of shame
  41. 寡欲清心 have few desires and cleanse...
  42. 寡淡 boring
  43. 寡营养湖 oligotrophic lake
  44. 寡见少闻 see little of the world and ...
  45. 寡言 of few words
  46. 寡陋孤闻 have seen not much and heard...
  47. 寡鹄孤鸾 a lone dove or a solitary bi...
  48. awake
  49. 寤寐筹思 take counsel of one's pillow
  50. few

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