

[ guǎbùdízhòng ] 发音:   "寡不敌众"的汉语解释   用"寡不敌众"造句
  • be hopelessly outnumbered; fight against hopeless odds; the few are no match for the many.; the few cannot resist [withstand] the many.; the few cannot fight the many.; there is no contending against such odds.; the ... couldn't resist overwhelming numbers
  • 众寡不敌:    the few can't fight the many.; one is no match for a crowd.; being outnumbered
  • 不敌:    no match for; be defeated 论外交手腕之精明, 我远不敌他。 he was more than my match in diplomatic shrewdness
  • 敌众我寡:    against heavy odds; be outnumbered by the enemy; we are outnumbered by the enemy
  • 以寡敌众:    pit the few against the many; fight [struggle; battle] against heavy odds; fight against odds [longer odds]
  • 多寡不等:    vary in amount or number


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  1. The recent trial has satisfied him of his inability to escape, when purchased so closely by numbers .
  2. The defenders were outnumbered and had to give in
  3. They beat retreat when they saw that they were too few
  4. Though outnumbered , they held off ( repeated attacks by ) the enemy
  5. Though outnumbered , they held off ( repeated attacks by ) the enemy


        众寡不敌:    the few can't fight the many.; one is no match for a crowd.; being outnumbered
        不敌:    no match for; be defeated 论外交手腕之精明, 我远不敌他。 he was more than my match in diplomatic shrewdness
        敌众我寡:    against heavy odds; be outnumbered by the enemy; we are outnumbered by the enemy
        以寡敌众:    pit the few against the many; fight [struggle; battle] against heavy odds; fight against odds [longer odds]
        多寡不等:    vary in amount or number
        多寡不拘:    many or few does not matter
        周国贤-不敌:    hebe remx
        三拳不敌四手:    three fists are no match for four hands
        赊三不敌见二:    a bird in hand is worth two in the bush
        足总杯不敌利物浦:    birmingham humiliated by liverpool says bruce
        论外交手腕之精明我远不敌他:    he was more than my match in diplomatic shrewdness
        寡部亚门:    oligomera
        寡dt固定物引物:    oligo-dt-anchor primer
        寡齿新银鱼:    pygmy icefish
        寡 聚 酶:    oligomeric enzyme
        寡翅类:    oligoneoptera
        :    Ⅰ形容词1.(少; 缺少) few; little; scant 孤陋寡闻 ignorant and ill-informed; 沉默寡言 taciturn; uncommunicative2.(淡而无味) tasteless; insipid 清汤寡水 watery soup; sth. insipid; 索然寡味 dull and monotonousⅡ名词1.(丈夫死去并未再嫁的女人) widow 鳏寡 widowers and widows2.(妇女丧偶独居的性质或状态) widowhood 守寡 live in widowhoodⅢ代词[谦] (古代君主自称) i
        寡淡:    boring
        :    动词1.(割肉离骨) cut off the flesh from the bones (a feudal form of capital punishment); dismember; cut to pieces 千刀万剐 be cut to pieces2.(剌破) cut; slit 脚上剐了一个口子 cut one's foot
        寡妇:    widow
        瓜馥木:    oldham fissistigma root


        寡不敌众的法语:un petit nombre d'hommes ne sauraient faire face à un ennemi numériquement supérieur être vaincu par un ennemi supérieur en nombre;un petit nombre d'hommes ne sauraient tenir tête à un ennemi numériqu...
        寡不敌众的韩语:【성어】 적은 것이 많은 것을 대적할 수 없다. 중과부적(衆寡不敵). =[寡不胜众] →[好hǎo虎架不住一群狼] [双shuāng拳]
        寡不敌众的俄语:[guǎ bùdí zhòng] обр. один в поле не воин; одному не устоять перед многочисленным противником
        寡不敌众什么意思:guǎ bù dí zhòng 【解释】人少的抵挡不住人多的。 【出处】《孟子·梁惠王上》:“寡固不可以敌众。”《韩非子·难三》:“夫物众而智穷,寡不胜众。” 【示例】王朗~,与白虎、周昕杀条血路,走入城中,拽起吊桥,坚闭城门。(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第十五回) 【拼音码】gbdz 【灯谜面】恶虎斗狼群 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;用于战争等 【英文】be outnumbered


  1. "瓜馥木"英文
  2. "剐"英文
  3. "寡"英文
  4. "寡 聚 酶"英文
  5. "寡dt固定物引物"英文
  6. "寡部亚门"英文
  7. "寡齿新银鱼"英文
  8. "寡翅类"英文
  9. "寡淡"英文
  10. "寡妇"英文


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