- be hopelessly outnumbered; fight against hopeless odds; the few are no match for the many.; the few cannot resist [withstand] the many.; the few cannot fight the many.; there is no contending against such odds.; the ... couldn't resist overwhelming numbers
- 众寡不敌: the few can't fight the many.; one is no match for a crowd.; being outnumbered
- 不敌: no match for; be defeated 论外交手腕之精明, 我远不敌他。 he was more than my match in diplomatic shrewdness
- 敌众我寡: against heavy odds; be outnumbered by the enemy; we are outnumbered by the enemy
- 以寡敌众: pit the few against the many; fight [struggle; battle] against heavy odds; fight against odds [longer odds]
- 多寡不等: vary in amount or number