1. 受到殷勤款待 be hospitably entertained
  2. 受到气候影响 be influenced by the weather
  3. 受到法律制裁 be punished according to law
  4. 受到特殊照顾 receive special care
  5. 受到礼遇 be accorded courteous recept...
  6. 受到纵容和庇护 be winked at and shielded
  7. 受到良心的责备 feel a prick of conscience
  8. 受到观众欢迎 be warmly received by the au...
  9. 受到重重剥削 be fleeced right and left
  10. 受到隆重的接待 be accorded a grand receptio...
  11. 受制 be under the control of endu...
  12. 受历史条件的制约 be restricted by historical ...
  13. 受压迫的人们 oppressed humanity
  14. 受听 be pleasant to hear
  15. 受命 receive instructions
  16. 受命于天 rule by the grace of God
  17. 受够了 enough of it
  18. 受天之命 received a divine appointmen...
  19. 受天之祜 receive the blessings of Hea...
  20. 受夹板气 suffer wrong from the boards
  21. 受奖 be rewarded
  22. 受委屈 be upset by some unkindness
  23. 受孕 fertilization
  24. 受孕率 pregnancy rate
  25. 受宠 gain grace
  26. 受宠于某人 find favour in sb.'s eyes
  27. 受宠若惊 be overwhelmed by an unexpec...
  28. 受审 stand trial
  29. 受审人 person on trial
  30. 受害 suffer injury
  31. 受害不浅 suffer not a little
  32. 受害人 aggrieved party
  33. 受害国 the country that's been wron...
  34. 受害外籍人 aggrieved alien
  35. 受害方 the aggrieved party
  36. 受害者 victim
  37. 受家务牵累 be tied down by household ch...
  38. 受寒 catch a chill
  39. 受尽 suffer enough from
  40. 受尽了欺凌 be subjected to endless bull...
  41. 受尽千辛万苦 undergo all kinds of hardshi...
  42. 受尽摧残 be cruelly tortured
  43. 受尽煎熬 suffer all kinds of torments
  44. 受尽熬煎 be subjected to all kinds of...
  45. 受尽苦楚 have suffered enough from
  46. 受屈 be wronged a surname
  47. 受惊 be frightened
  48. 受惊发呆 be stupefied with terror
  49. 受惊的孩子 a frightened child
  50. 受惊而死 pass out from fright

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