1. 取缔投机倒把 ban speculation and profitee...
  2. 取缔非法交易 ban illicit trade
  3. 取缔非法组织 ban illegal organization
  4. 取而代之 take sb.'s or sth.'s place
  5. 取胜 win victory
  6. 取自 take from
  7. 取舍 accept or reject
  8. 取舍准则 editing criteria
  9. 取证 obtain evidence
  10. 取道 by way of
  11. 取长补短 learn from others' strong po...
  12. 取齐 make even
  13. receive
  14. 受不了 cannot stand it
  15. 受主 acceptor
  16. 受之无愧 be worthy of...
  17. 受之有愧 receive it with shame
  18. 受了一场虚惊 be the victim of a false ala...
  19. 受了一点寒 catch a slight cold
  20. 受了刑法 suffer corporal punishment
  21. 受事 the object of the action in ...
  22. 受人之托 be entrusted by someone to d...
  23. 受人利用 be made use of
  24. 受人指使 under sb.'s instigation
  25. 受人支配 be controlled by others
  26. 受人白眼 be treated coldly
  27. 受传统的束缚 be fettered by tradition
  28. 受伤 be injured
  29. 受伤而引起的伤残 disability arising from inju...
  30. 受伤部位 the location of an injury
  31. 受冤屈 suffer an injustice
  32. 受冤枉 suffer wrongful treatment
  33. 受冷落 out in the cold
  34. 受冻挨饿 go cold and hungry
  35. 受凉 catch cold
  36. 受刑 be tortured
  37. 受到一次严厉的惩罚 pay a severe penalty
  38. 受到两面夹攻 be under a pincer attack
  39. 受到主人的慢待 receive bad treatment from t...
  40. 受到亲切接待 be accorded a cordial recept...
  41. 受到全国人民的拥戴 enjoy the support of the who...
  42. 受到凌辱 be humiliated
  43. 受到前后围攻 be attacked both front and b...
  44. 受到台风的袭击 be hit by a typhoon
  45. 受到各方面的责难 incur censure from various q...
  46. 受到战争威胁的国家 countries menaced by war
  47. 受到某人的赏识 be in sb.'s good graces
  48. 受到残暴的待遇 be received the savage treat...
  49. 受到残酷对待 be cruelly treated
  50. 受到殷勤接待 be accorded solicitous hospi...

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