1. 中魁 Zhongkui
  2. 中魔 be bewitched
  3. 中鹄 hit the target
  4. 中黄 a surname
  5. 中黄直 Zhonghuang Zhi
  6. abundant
  7. 丰产 high yield
  8. 丰产核 fertile nuclei
  9. 丰产田 high-yield plot
  10. 丰仪 elegant demeanour
  11. 丰功伟绩 great contributions and hero...
  12. 丰厚 thick
  13. 丰厚的礼品 generous gifts
  14. 丰取刻与 take a lot and give away lit...
  15. 丰土沃地 a fertile piece of land
  16. 丰实压枝 The trees are heavily laden ...
  17. 丰富 abundant
  18. 丰富多彩 rich and colourful
  19. 丰富多采 be rich and varied
  20. 丰富多采的传统出口商品 a rich array of traditional ...
  21. 丰富多采的节日活动 varied and colourful festiva...
  22. 丰富多采的语言 a rich language
  23. 丰富文娱生活 provide enriched cultural an...
  24. 丰富的滋养 rich nutriment
  25. 丰富的知识源泉 a rich source of information
  26. 丰富的经验 rich experience
  27. 丰富知识 enrich one's knowledge
  28. 丰岁 bumper harvest year
  29. 丰年 bumper harvest year
  30. 丰收 bumper harvest
  31. 丰收在望 A bumper harvest is anticipa...
  32. 丰收有望 There is hope of a bumper ha...
  33. 丰收补歉 make up for a crop failure w...
  34. 丰沛 plentiful
  35. 丰润 plump and smooth-skinned
  36. 丰渔 big catch
  37. 丰渔年 good fishing year
  38. 丰满 plentiful
  39. 丰满度 bulid
  40. 丰满手感 bulky hand
  41. 丰满的人物形象 well-rounded portrayal of ch...
  42. 丰登 bumper harvest
  43. 丰登之年 a year of abundance
  44. 丰盈 have a full figure plentiful
  45. 丰盛 rich
  46. 丰盛的筵席 a feast of fat things
  47. 丰盛的酒席 a sumptuous feast
  48. 丰硕 plentiful and substantial
  49. 丰硕的果实 abundant and excellent resul...
  50. 丰碑 monument

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