1. 库藏 have in storage
  2. 库钧 Ku Jun
  3. 库锦 brocade with woven patterns ...
  4. answer
  5. 应上税物品 dutiable articles
  6. 应中国政府的邀请 at the invitation of the Chi...
  7. 应举 take imperial examinations
  8. 应予考虑 merit consideration
  9. 应享受的权利 a right to which one is enti...
  10. 应付 meet
  11. 应付事儿 go through the motions make ...
  12. 应付复杂局面 deal with complicated situat...
  13. 应付时局 cope with the political situ...
  14. 应付票据 bills payable
  15. 应付税捐 tax payable
  16. 应付突然发生的危险 meet a sudden danger
  17. 应付紧急事变 rise to the emergency
  18. 应付自如 handle a situation with ease
  19. 应付裕如 cope with... successfully
  20. 应允 assent
  21. 应分 part of one's job
  22. 应判徒刑的犯罪 an imprisonable offense
  23. 应制 write poetry or essays upon ...
  24. 应力 stress
  25. 应劭 Ying Shao
  26. 应募 respond to a call for recrui...
  27. 应卯 answer roll call or sign arr...
  28. 应变 meet an emergency
  29. 应变措施 emergency measure
  30. 应变计 strain gauge
  31. 应名儿 only in name
  32. 应和 echo
  33. 应唤起整个文明世界来反对战争 All civilization ought to be...
  34. 应声 answer
  35. 应声而倒 fall as soon as the bang was...
  36. 应声虫 yesman
  37. 应天垂象 fulfil the forecasts of Heav...
  38. 应天顺人 act according to God's will ...
  39. 应对 reply
  40. 应对如流 give fluent replies
  41. 应尽的义务 one's bounden duty
  42. 应尽的职责 bounden duty
  43. 应届 the present graduating year
  44. 应届毕业生 graduating students or pupil...
  45. 应弦落马 fall as the bowstring sang
  46. 应当 should
  47. 应当不折不扣地执行这个指示 The instruction should be ca...
  48. 应当这么做 It should be done this way.
  49. 应征 be recruited
  50. 应征入伍 be drafted into the army

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