应付: meet; deal with; cope with; ...税捐: duties; taxes; taxes and lev ...估计应付税捐: accrued taxes estimated; estimated tax payable应付税捐,应付应计税捐: accrued taxes payable应付税: liable to duty预付税捐: prepaid tax应计未付税捐: accrued taxes应付税的: dutiable; liable应付税金: taxes payable应付税款: dues; tax payable; taxes payable应付税款法: taxes payable method应付税利润: tangible profit应付税收益: tangible income应付税款帐户: tax payable account应付款项;应付费用;应付税款: dues税捐及公益应付款: tax and public dues漏报应付税货品: evade declaration of dutiable goods应缴税金,应付税款: taxes payable应纳税的利润, 应付税利润: taxable profits税捐: duties; taxes; taxes and levies 应付税捐 tax payable; 税捐分配 tax allocation付税: payment of duty; paymentofduty; payments of duty; tax id number; taxid; to pay taxes应付: 应付payable 他做了事, 应付给他钱。 money is due him for his work. 你买的小汽车还应付多少钱? how much is still due on your car?方税捐: local tax税捐处: receipt付税表: pay-in-forms