1. 庄子 respectful name for Zhuang Z...
  2. 庄家 banker
  3. 庄户 peasant household
  4. 庄户人 peasant
  5. 庄户人家 peasant family
  6. 庄稼 crops
  7. 庄稼人 peasant
  8. 庄稼叫大水冲跑了 The crops were washed away b...
  9. 庄稼因雨量不足而遭受损害 The crops are suffering from...
  10. 庄稼地 flat
  11. 庄稼汉 farmer
  12. 庄稼活儿 farm work
  13. 庄稼涝了 The crops are waterlogged.
  14. 庄稼缺肥缺水就长不好 Lacking manure and water,cro...
  15. 庄稼茬 stubble
  16. 庄稼让大水冲跑了 The crops were washed away b...
  17. 庄稼长势旺盛 Crops are growing luxuriantl...
  18. 庄稼长得很旺 The crops are growing very w...
  19. 庄稼长得挺不错 The crops are growing quite ...
  20. 庄稼长得真好 The crops are doing well. be...
  21. 庄稼长得真棒 The crops are excellent.
  22. 庄肃 solemn
  23. 庄谐并作 combine sobriety with humour
  24. 庄邱 a surname
  25. 庄邱慧达 Zhuangqiu Huida
  26. 庄重 serious
  27. 庄重的脸色 solemn looks
  28. celebrate
  29. 庆丰收 celebrate a bumper harvest
  30. 庆典 celebration
  31. 庆功会 victory meeting
  32. 庆功论赏 confer honors according to m...
  33. 庆功酒 jungle juice
  34. 庆大霉素 gentamicin
  35. 庆大霉素硫酸盐 sulmycin
  36. 庆宴 potlatch
  37. 庆封 Qing Feng
  38. 庆师 a surname
  39. 庆师伟 Qingshi Wei
  40. 庆幸 rejoice
  41. 庆忌 a surname
  42. 庆忌云平 Qingji Yunping
  43. 庆父 a surname
  44. 庆父阳 Qingfu Yang
  45. 庆祝 celebrate
  46. 庆祝国庆 celebrate National Day
  47. 庆祝大会 celebration meeting
  48. 庆祝活动 merriment
  49. 庆祝生日 celebrate one's birthday
  50. 庆祝胜利 celebrate a victory

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