庆祝: celebrate活动: move about; exercise庆典、庆祝活动: gaiety大型庆祝活动: huge celebration婚礼庆祝活动: wedding festival节日庆祝活动: festivals筹备国庆庆祝活动: make preparations for the national day celebrations重大的庆祝活动: an impressive ceremony全球最棒的庆祝活动在(纽约的)时代广场: the celebrations in the time square are the best in the world一路上尽是去参加庆祝活动的人群: there was a continuous stream of people going to the celebration庆祝除夕活动: silvesterfeier die; silvesterfeier, die庆祝新年的活动: chinese new year celebrations庆祝: celebrate 为庆祝 ... in celebration of; 庆祝国庆 celebrate national day; 庆祝生日 celebrate one's birthday; 庆祝胜利 celebrate a victory; 庆祝大会 celebration meeting; 庆祝活动 merriment(庆祝)仪式: ceremony纪念……;庆祝……: in honor of庆祝, 庆典: celebration庆祝的: commemorative; congratulant; congratulatory; festive庆祝会: celebration庆祝日: decoration day庆祝钟: joybells为庆祝: in celebration of; in honour of大肆庆祝: celebration疯狂地庆祝: paint the town red欢呼及庆祝: cheer and celebrate, to欢呼庆祝: jubilation; maffick