1. 分门别类 classify
  2. 分队 a troop unit corresponding t...
  3. 分阴当惜 Even a second must not be wa...
  4. 分阶段 by stages
  5. 分阶段撤军 phased troop withdrawal
  6. 分隔 separate
  7. 分项 subitem
  8. 分项列出 itemize
  9. 分项数字 breakdown
  10. 分频 frequency division
  11. 分题 sub title
  12. 分馏 fractional distilation
  13. 分馏柱 still
  14. 分馏柱塔板 stripper plate
  15. 分龄 age-group
  16. cut
  17. 切不可作任何损人利己的事 Never do anything to your pr...
  18. 切不可由于阋墙之祸而忘了共同对敌的决心 One should never owing to in...
  19. 切不可自以为是 One should never be presumpt...
  20. 切丝 cut into shreds
  21. 切丝机 filament cutter
  22. 切中 hit
  23. 切中时弊 cutting into the present-day...
  24. 切中肯要 apposite
  25. 切中要害 hit the mark
  26. 切伤 cut wound
  27. 切切 be absolutely sure to
  28. 切切不可过份 be sure not go too far
  29. 切切不可骄傲 Be sure not to become concei...
  30. 切切如令 This order is to be strictly...
  31. 切切实实 make a determined effort
  32. 切切实实地工作 do one's job conscientiously
  33. 切切此布 This proclamation is hereby ...
  34. 切切私语 talk in whispers
  35. 切切絮语 engage in a low-keyed contin...
  36. 切切请求 earnestly request
  37. 切削 cutting
  38. 切前刃 cutting edge
  39. 切割 slicing
  40. 切割值 cut value
  41. 切割器 sickle
  42. 切割线 line of cut
  43. 切割面 cut surface
  44. 切力 shearing force
  45. 切勿 be sure not to
  46. 切勿倒置 do not turn over
  47. 切勿压挤 do not crush
  48. 切勿受潮 keep dry
  49. 切勿听信谣言 Don't believe rumours.
  50. 切勿坠落 do not drop

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