1. 他满脑子荒唐念头 His head is full of nonsense...
  2. 他满脸嗔色 He scowled his displeasure.
  3. 他满脸麻子 He is pitted with smallpox. ...
  4. 他演这位老人演得很好 He played this old man very ...
  5. 他潜入水底找寻尸首 He dived into the water to l...
  6. 他激动得心直跳 His heart was throbbing with...
  7. 他火儿了 He got angry.
  8. 他灰溜溜地走了 He went away in dejection.
  9. 他点名要你去 He named you as the one he w...
  10. 他照应贫民 He ministers to the poor.
  11. 他照得好 He films well. look after
  12. 他熟悉出口手续 He is familiar with export p...
  13. 他爬山回来后感到劳累 He was tired when he got bac...
  14. 他爱上中国饭菜 He's quite gone on Chinese f...
  15. 他爱好他的厨师工作 He is high on his job as a c...
  16. 他爱惜这件东西胜过其他一切 He prized it beyond everythi...
  17. 他爱损人 He delights in making causti...
  18. 他爱钱胜过一切 He loves money above everyth...
  19. 他父亲晚年过得挺顺心 His father spent the evening...
  20. 他父亲有六十岁光景 His father is about 60 years...
  21. 他父亲的去世使他蒙受巨大的损失 He has sustained a great los...
  22. 他父母对他的大学学习抱着殷切的期望 Ardent expectations were hel...
  23. 他爷爷早就不在了 His grandfather has been dea...
  24. 他犯了殴打罪 He was guilty of assault and...
  25. 他犯错误的病根在于私心太重 His error stems from selfish...
  26. 他独自一人从东到西横越整个非洲大陆 He traversed alone the whole...
  27. 他率领主力部队攻城 He led the main strength of ...
  28. 他率领了一个旅游团去欧洲了 He conducted a party of tour...
  29. 他率领大部队进城 He marched into the city at ...
  30. 他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了 At present he has become a P...
  31. 他甘心做这事 He did it quite willingly. b...
  32. 他甚至不答理我 He didn't even return my gre...
  33. 他甚至怀疑事实 He doubts even the facts.
  34. 他生性冷酷 He is cold by nature.
  35. 他生性急躁 He is quick in temper.
  36. 他生性爱吵架 He has a quarrelsome disposi...
  37. 他生拉硬拽地将孩子向外拖 He dragged the child outside...
  38. 他生来就哑 He has been dumb from birth....
  39. 他生来就有胆量 He has courage in his blood.
  40. 他生长在沈阳 He was born and brought up i...
  41. 他用一把干草引燃了这些木柴 He ignited the wood with a b...
  42. 他用了整整一个晚上向母亲表达孝心 He spent the whole evening a...
  43. 他用假计划使她上当 He used the fake plans to tr...
  44. 他用几句生动的语言简述了局势 He sketched the situation in...
  45. 他用尖刻的话语发泄对那个女人的敌意 His hostility to the woman f...
  46. 他用弓箭打猎 He hunted with bow and arrow...
  47. 他用恐吓的手段使那老太太画了押 He frightened the old lady i...
  48. 他用手巾胡噜了一把脸就上工了 He gave his face a quick rub...
  49. 他用手帕擤鼻涕 He blows his nose with a han...
  50. 他用手指塞住耳朵 He stuffed his fingers into ...

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