他: he用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...弓箭: bow and arrow打猎: go hunting用弓箭狩猎: bowhunt ||用弓: coll’arco打猎: go hunting 爱好打猎 be fond of hunting; be fond of shooting; 他用弓箭打猎。 he hunted with bow and arrow他用: diversion弓箭: bow and arrow◇弓箭步 bow-and-arrow step; 弓箭手 toxotae; bow多用弓: utility arch专用弓: amazon bows打猎;猎取: hunt打猎的: cynegetic打猎队: battue打猎服: hunting clothes打猎弓: hunting bow打猎箭: hunting arrow打猎术: huntsmanship打猎鞋: hunting shoes打猎者: courser去打猎: go hunting用打猎: use in hunting弓箭步: advance junge; arrow carrier; forward lunge; oversway弓箭式: the bow and arrow pose弓箭手: archer archer; archery; bowman; bowmen; earc