1. 鼹鼠皮 mole
  2. 鼹鼩 mole shrew
  3. nose
  4. 鼻儿 a small hole
  5. 鼻出血 hemorrhinia
  6. 鼻咽 nasopharynx
  7. 鼻咽癌 nasopharyngeal darcinoma
  8. 鼻喉科学 rhinolaryngology
  9. 鼻喉镜 rhinolaryngoscope
  10. 鼻塌嘴歪 with a snub nose and a wry m...
  11. 鼻塞 nasal obstruction
  12. 鼻塞症 snuffles
  13. 鼻塞语音 stomatolalia
  14. 鼻如悬胆 The fine outline of one's no...
  15. 鼻子 nose
  16. 鼻子一酸 A lump came into one's throa...
  17. 鼻子不通 have a stuffed up nose
  18. 鼻子尖 have an acute sense of smell
  19. 鼻孔 nostril
  20. 鼻孔狭窄 stenomycteria
  21. 鼻孔闭塞 with one's nose stuffed up h...
  22. 鼻孔闭锁 atretorrhinia
  23. 鼻尖 apex nasi
  24. 鼻峰 tip of the nose
  25. 鼻干燥 xeromycteria
  26. 鼻息 breath
  27. 鼻息如雷 snore like thunder
  28. 鼻息肉 nasal polyp
  29. 鼻成形术 rhinoplasty
  30. 鼻旁窦 paranasal sinus
  31. 鼻根 nasion
  32. 鼻梁 bridge of the nose
  33. 鼻毛 vibrissa
  34. 鼻沟 nasal fossa
  35. 鼻泪管 canalis nasolacrimalis
  36. 鼻泪管狭窄 stenosis of nasolacrimal duc...
  37. 鼻涕 nasal mucus
  38. 鼻涕后流 postnasal drip
  39. 鼻溃疡 rhinelcos
  40. 鼻炎 nasitis
  41. 鼻烟 snuff
  42. 鼻烟壶 snuff bottle
  43. 鼻烟盒 snuffbox
  44. 鼻疔 furuncle of nose
  45. 鼻疮 nose boil
  46. 鼻疳 nasal eczema
  47. 鼻病 rhinopathy
  48. 鼻痛 rhinalgia
  49. 鼻癌 rhinocarcinoma
  50. 鼻祖 the earliest ancestor

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