If one looks back , an ox - shaped rock on ox nose peak comes into sight . the scene is known as rhinoceros watching the moon 在此处往后看,映入眼帘的是牛鼻峰上的一块岩石,状如犀牛,叫做犀牛望月。
鼻: nose峰: peak; summit经鼻最大呼气流速,经鼻峰值呼气流速: peak expiratory flow rate through the nose鼻风: severe stuff nose in infants; severe stuffy nose in infants鼻分析器: nasal analysor鼻风速计: nasal anemometer鼻分泌物增加: increased nasal secretion鼻缝点: punctum nasale; rhinion鼻分泌抗体: nasal secretion antibody鼻缝术: rhinorrhaphy鼻分裂: rhinoschisis鼻敷料钳: nasal dre ing force; nasal dressing forceps鼻肺炎: rhinopneumonitis