1. 借故 find an excuse
  2. 借故寻衅 pick a quarrel on some flims...
  3. 借故推托 find an excuse to refuse
  4. 借故支开他 send him away on some pretex...
  5. 借方 debit
  6. 借方卡 debit card
  7. 借方对销 contra debit
  8. 借方差额 debit balance
  9. 借景抒情 take advantage of a scene to...
  10. 借条 receipt for a loan
  11. 借款 borrow money
  12. 借款与预付 loan and advance
  13. 借款人 borrower
  14. 借款企业 borrowing enterprise
  15. 借款净额 net borrowing
  16. 借款利息 interest on borrowing
  17. 借款契约 loan agreement
  18. 借款总安排 general arrangement to borro...
  19. 借款期限 life of loan
  20. 借款条件 conditions of a loan
  21. 借款申请书 loan application
  22. 借款票据 loan bill
  23. 借款股份 debenture stock
  24. 借款过多状况 overloaned situation
  25. 借此机会 take this occasion to
  26. 借水行舟 sail a boat by water
  27. 借火 ask for a light
  28. 借用 borrow
  29. 借用一句古诗表达自己的心情 quote a line from classical ...
  30. 借用地皮 the easement of land ground
  31. 借着月光行路 travel by moonlight
  32. 借端 use sth. as a pretext
  33. 借端寻衅 make use of anything as a pr...
  34. 借端生事 make trouble under some pret...
  35. 借端讹诈 make use of anything as a pr...
  36. 借箸代筹 make a plan for sb. else
  37. 借而不还 borrow without returning
  38. 借花献佛 present Buddha with borrowed...
  39. 借词 loanword
  40. 借读 study at a school on a tempo...
  41. 借调 temporarily transfer
  42. 借调某人任特殊职务 second sb. for special dutie...
  43. 借贷 borrow or lend money debit a...
  44. 借贷业务 lending and borrowing busine...
  45. 借贷利息 loan interest
  46. 借贷抵押证书 bill of goods adventure
  47. 借贷无门 have no means to borrow mone...
  48. 借贷股票 loan stocks
  49. 借贷资本 loan capital
  50. 借酒浇愁 drown one's sorrows in wine

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