For re - lending businesses , the turnover shall be the balance of interest on lending less the interest on borrowing 四)转贷业务,以贷款利息减去借款利息后的余额为营业额。
" reasonable interest " mentioned in the first paragraph of this article refers to interest computed at a rate not higher than normal commercial lending rates 本条第一款所说的合理的借款利息,是指按不高于一般商业贷款利率计算的利息。
Interest of loan and other related expenses for acquiring fixed assets that incurred after the assets having been put into opera ? tion shall be accounted for as current profit of loss 在固定资产投入使用之后发生的借款利息和有关费用,以及外币的汇兑差额,应计入当期损益。
借款: borrow money; ask for a loan ...利息: interest活期借款利息: interest on calls缴纳借款利息: current service of loan借款利息收入: loan interest red'd借款利息支出: loan interest paid应计未付借款利息: accrued interest on loan船舶和货物抵押借款利息: maritime interest应计未付抵押借款利息: accrued interest on mortages借款利率: borrowing rate; interest rate on borrowings存款利息: deposit allowance; deposit interest; interest on deposit代款利息: cost of capital贷款利息: costs of money; interest on loan; mortgage interest; student loan interest贷款利息方: fvvd_kint放款利息: interest on loan capital; interest upon loans借入款利息: interest on loans from other bank进货款利息: interest on payments for purchases新增借款利率: incremental borrowing rate of interest最低借款利率: minimum lending rate进货付款利息 进货款利息: interestonpaymentforpurchases借贷利息, 贷款利息: loan interest标高贷款利息: mark up loans; markuploans储蓄存款利息: account interest建设贷款利息: building loan interest降低贷款利息: marking down loans