1. 倒苦水 pour out one's grievances
  2. 倒茬 rotation of crops
  3. 倒行逆施 go against the historical tr...
  4. 倒装 upside down mounting
  5. 倒装句 inverted sentence
  6. 倒装小齿轮 contravane
  7. 倒装法 upside-down mounting
  8. 倒装片 flip-chip
  9. 倒装词序 inverted word order
  10. 倒角 angle of chamfer
  11. 倒角刀 rose reamer
  12. 倒角刨 chamfer plane
  13. 倒角机 beveler
  14. 倒角滚刀 tooth-rounding hob
  15. 倒角齿 chamfered teeth
  16. 倒贴 pay for the keeping of an un...
  17. 倒赔 have to pay after expecting ...
  18. 倒车 change trains or buses
  19. 倒车舵 flank rudder
  20. 倒转 turn the other way round
  21. 倒转乾坤 turn back the course of even...
  22. 倒运 profiteer by buying cheap an...
  23. 倒退 go backwards
  24. 倒退几步 back several steps
  25. 倒退抑制 reactive inhibition
  26. 倒退装置 backward gear
  27. 倒铲挖掘机 back digger
  28. 倒闭 close down
  29. 倒阁 down with the cabinet
  30. 倒霉 fall on evil days
  31. 倒飞 upside down flight
  32. 倒驶 sternway
  33. peaceful
  34. stubborn
  35. 倔头倔脑 blunt of manner and gruff of...
  36. 倔强 unbending
  37. 倔强因数 stiffness factor
  38. 倔强性 stiffness
  39. 倔强症 catalepsy
  40. 倔强的脾气 a rebellious temper
  41. 倔强系数 coefficient of stiffness
  42. if
  43. 倘使 if
  44. 倘或 if
  45. 倘有不测 in the event of an accident
  46. 倘来之物 an unexpected or undeserved ...
  47. 倘然 in case
  48. 倘能如愿 if one can satisfy his wishe...
  49. 倘能如此 if this can be done
  50. 倘若 if

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