1. 信后附言 the postscript of a letter
  2. 信士 believer
  3. 信外随带书籍一包 Accompanying the letter is a...
  4. 信天游 a kind of Shaanxi local melo...
  5. 信天翁 albatross
  6. 信奉 believe in
  7. 信奉上帝 believe in God
  8. 信奉佛教 believe in Buddhism attend t...
  9. 信奉基督教 be a Christian
  10. 信奉拜物教 practice fetishism
  11. 信女 female believer
  12. 信孚中外 have the confidence both of ...
  13. 信守 abide by
  14. 信守不渝 be unswervingly true
  15. 信守协议 abide by an agreement
  16. 信守和平共处五项原则 faithfully abide by the Five...
  17. 信守经济合同 fully honour economic contra...
  18. 信守诺言 keep a promise
  19. 信实 trustworthy
  20. 信宿 stay over for two consecutiv...
  21. 信封 envelope feudalism
  22. 信封口了吗 Is the letter sealed? heal
  23. 信封的背面 the back of an envelope
  24. 信封纸 envelope paper
  25. 信差 carrier
  26. 信已交给他了 I've handed the letter to hi...
  27. 信已经转给他了 The letter has been forwarde...
  28. 信徒 believer
  29. 信心 confidence
  30. 信心不足 lack confidence
  31. 信心倍增 with redoubled confidence
  32. 信心百倍 with full confidence
  33. 信念 faith
  34. 信息 news
  35. 信息不灵 not well-informed
  36. 信息传输 information transfer
  37. 信息传送 information transfer
  38. 信息反馈给政府有关部门 The information is fed back ...
  39. 信息处理 information processing
  40. 信息存储 information storage
  41. 信息容量 information capacity
  42. 信息工业 information industry
  43. 信息技术 information technology
  44. 信息时代 information ear
  45. 信息核糖核酸 messenger ribonucleic acid
  46. 信息检索 information retrieval
  47. 信息社会 information society
  48. 信息系统 information system
  49. 信息网络 information network
  50. 信息资源 information resources

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