bait: n. 1.饵;引诱物;诱惑。 2.(路上的)休息(或进食)。 cut bait or fish要么撒手不干,要么耐心地干下去。 jump at the bait 轻易上当。 poison bait 毒饵。 rise to a bait (鱼)上钩;(人)上当。 swallow the bait 吞饵上钩;落进圈套。 a white bait 银鱼。 vt. 1.把饵装到…上;引诱。 2.(在路上)喂喂(马)。 3.使狗逗(熊等);欺负(人);作弄(人)。 bait a hook 给钓钩装饵。 vi. (在路上)休息(或吃东西)。
Bait-and-switch is a form of fraud used in retail sales but also practiced in other contexts. First, customers are "baited" by merchants' advertising products or services at a low price; then customers discover the advertised goods are not available.
bait-and-switchとは意味:{形} : おとり販売の bait-and-switch meaning:[Business] noun [C,U] ( Marketing ) a selling method where advertisements for products with low prices are used to attract customers, who are then persuaded to buy something more expens...bait-and-switch artinya:umpan dan tukar