n. 1.饵;引诱物;诱惑。 2.(路上的)休息(或进食)。 短语和例子 cut bait or fish要么撒手不干,要么耐心地干下去。 jump at the bait 轻易上当。 poison bait 毒饵。 rise to a bait (鱼)上钩;(人)上当。 swallow the bait 吞饵上钩;落进圈套。 a white bait 银鱼。vt. 1.把饵装到…上;引诱。 2.(在路上)喂喂(马)。 3.使狗逗(熊等);欺负(人);作弄(人)。 短语和例子 bait a hook 给钓钩装饵。vi. (在路上)休息(或吃东西)。
harass with persistent criticism or carping; "The children teased the new teacher"; "Don''t ride me so hard over my failure"; "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie" 同义词:tease, razz, rag, cod, tantalize, tantalise, taunt, twit, rally, ride
baitとは意味:1bait n. 餌(えさ); 《比喩》 わな. 【動詞+】 ◆We offered tempting bait in a newspaper ad to lure customers to our store. 当店に客を招き寄せるため新聞広告に魅力のある餌をつけた ◆put bait on a hook 釣り針に餌をつける ◆They put out bait to draw the wolv...bait meaning: Noun: bait beyt Anything that serves as an enticement - come-on , hook , lure , sweetener Something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trappe...bait en francais:n. amorce, appât, piège; leurre; séduction, charme, attirance, tentation v. harceler, importuner; tourmenter, taquiner; amorcer; tenter, séduire, ch...bait artinya:baitbait 뜻:noun, vt, vi, 미끼, 미끼를 달다, 먹이를 먹다bait перевод:1) приманка, наживка Ex: worms are good bait for fish червяки - хорошая наживка для рыбы 2) искушение, соблазн Ex: the bait proved to be too much for her соблазн для нее оказался слишком велик Ex:...