
instrument of government中文是什么意思

  • 政府约法
  • 例句与用法
  • This Age of Liberty lasted until the Gustav III in 1772, which restored royal sovereignty under the guise of the 1634 Instrument of Government.
  • The Senate came back to the Parliament with a a Declaration of Independence and proposal for a new republican Instrument of Government on 4 December.
  • By the 1880s, the police had developed into a nationwide instrument of government control, providing support for local leaders and enforcing public morality.
  • Cromwell's new rights and powers were laid out in the Humble Petition and Advice, a legislative instrument which replaced the Instrument of Government.
  • The new form of government approved by the council was largely based on the 1772 Instrument of Government, dating from the period of Swedish rule.
  • At first this cumbrous and complicated instrument of government worked tolerably well under the firm but cautious control of the Chancery President, Count Arvid Horn.
  • The Lord High Chancellor, Axel Oxenstierna, was the architect of the Instrument of Government of 1634, which laid the foundation of modern Sweden.
  • The "'First Protectorate Parliament "'was summoned by the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell under the terms of the Instrument of Government.
  • While the Judiciary technically sort under the Government in the fiscal sense, Chapter 11 of the Instrument of Government provides safeguards to ensure its independence.
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