

  • n.m. [英]自制,自治
  • 例句与用法
  • Canada seeks to reconcile the rights of Aboriginal peoples over traditional lands with the sovereignty of the Government, including the recognition of existing treaties, and the negotiation of new land and self-government agreements.
  • Représentante Mme Lidjia Lukina Karajkovic, assistante du Ministre de la justice, de l ' administration et de l ' autonomie locale
    代表 Ms. Lidjia Lukina Karajkovic, Assistant Minister of Justice, Administration and Local Self-Government
  • Représentante Mme Lidjia Lukina Karajkovic, assistante du Ministre de la justice, de l ' administration et de l ' autonomie locale
    代表 Ms. Lidjia Lukina Karajkovic, Assistant Minister of Justice, Administration and Local Self-Government
  • 推荐法语阅读
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