- 翻箱倒柜什么意思:fān xiāng dǎo guì 【解释】把箱子柜子都翻倒过来。形容彻底翻检。【示例】闹了大半天,毫无影响,甚至~,实在没处去找。(《红楼梦》第九十四回)【拼音码】fxdg【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语;形容彻底翻检【英文】ransack boxes and chests
- 翻箱倒柜的英语:overturn the trunks and boxes -- carry off all that one has; empty everything from the trunks; open sb.'s boxes and trunks and turn out the contents; rummage through chests and cupboards; ransack boxes and chests; turn everything inside out; turn over things in a thorough search; turn the box upside down 短语和例子那些特务冲进他的房间翻箱倒柜地搜了一遍, 但没有发观任何可疑的东西。 the special agents broke into his room and rummaged through chests and cupboards but couldn't find anything suspicious
- 翻箱倒柜的法语:tourner et retourner malles et armoires;effectuer une perquisition de fond en combl
- 翻箱倒柜的日语:〈成〉たんすや箱をひっくり返して物を探すこと.徹底的に探すこと.▼“翻箱倒箧 qiè ”ともいう.
- 翻箱倒柜的俄语:[fānxiāng dǎoguì] обр. перерыть всё; перевернуть всё вверх дном (напр., в квартире)