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  • 红外的英语:infrared◇红外报警装置 infrared warning device; 红外测雹 infrared detection of hail; 红外测绘 infrared mapping; 红外测距仪 infrared range-measurement system; distomat; 红外测量 infrared measurement; 红外测温仪 infrared radiation thermometer; 红外测碳 determination of carbon by infrared analysis; 红外测氧 determination of oxygen by infrared analysis; 红外成像 in frared imaging; 红外导航 infrared navigation; 红外定向仪 infrared search set; 红外辐射 infrared radiation; infrared; 红外跟踪 infrared tracking; 红外光谱仪 infrared spectrometer; 红外光束 infrared beam; 红外激光 infrared laser; infrared laser light; 红外激光器 infrared laser; 红外激射(器) iraser (infrared amplification of stimulated emission of radiation); infrared maser; 红外技术 infrared technique; infrared technology; 红外空间信息 infrared aerospace intelligence; 红外雷达 infrared radar; infrared range and detection equipment; 红外瞄准镜 sniperscope; 红外全息照相 infrared holography; 红外摄影 infrared photography; 红外探测 infrared acquisition; infrared detection; 红外望远镜 infrared telescope; sniperscope; 红外遥感 infrared remote sensing; 红外预警卫星 infrared early-warning satellite; 红外预警系统 infrared early warning system; 红外制导 infrared guidance
  • 红外的法语:infrarouge
  • 红外的韩语:적외선의
  • 红外的俄语:инфракра́сныйинфракрасный
红外的發音,红外的讀音,紅外怎麼讀红外 pronunciation,发音,例句,用法,同义词,反义词由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。