- 竞争什么意思:jìngzhēng为了自己方面的利益而跟人争胜:贸易~ㄧ~激烈 ㄧ自由~。
- 竞争的英语:compete; vie; contend 短语和例子公开竞争 open competition; 自由竞争 free competition; 激烈的竞争 keen competition; fierce rivalry; 在价格上经得起竞争的商品 goods of competitive price; 富有竞争力 highly competitive; 引进竞争机制 bring in competitive system; 在运动会上与优秀的赛跑选手竞争 contest against the best runners in the games; 汽车制造商们为吸引公众而剧烈竞争。 there is huge competition among automakers to gain the attention of the public. 青年人进名牌大学的竞争十分激烈。 competition among youths to enter the best colleges is intense.; 竞争产品 competing product; 竞争出价 competitive bidding; 竞争地带 zone of competition; 竞争机制 competition mechanism; competition forces; competitive system; 竞争价格 competitive price;竞争能力 competitive power [capacity]; make more competitive; competitiveness; 竞争商家 opponent; 竞争商品 competitive commodities; 竞争市场 competitive market; 竞争投资 competitive investment; 竞争问题 competitive problem; 竞争意识 sense of competition; 竞争优势 competitive edge
- 竞争的法语:动entrer en concurrence avec qn;concurrencer avec qn;lutter pour;disputer;rivaliser自由~compétition libre
- 竞争的日语:競争(する).競い合う.争う.贸易 màoyì 竞争/貿易競争.生存竞争/生存競争.『日中』“竞争”は利益の奪い合いによって生ずる「競争」をさすことが多く,スポーツなどの競争には用いない.
- 竞争的韩语:[명사][동사] 경쟁(하다).贸易竞争;무역 경쟁生存竞争;생존 경쟁竞争价格;경쟁 가격竞争心;경쟁심自由竞争;자유 경쟁竞争激烈;경쟁이 치열하다竞争机制;경쟁 메커니즘
- 竞争的俄语:[jìngzhēng] конкурировать; соперничать; конкуренция 竞争力 [jìngzhēnglì] — конкурентоспособность 竞争者 [jìngzhēngzhě] — конкурент