- 目光如豆什么意思:mù guāng rú dòu 【解释】眼光象豆子那样小。形容目光短浅,缺乏远见。【示例】胸无大志,~的人,是难以成就一番大事业的。【拼音码】mgrd【灯谜面】眼神似相思【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;含贬义
- 目光如豆的英语:one's circle of vision is as large as a bean -- very limited outlook.; (as) blind as a bat; vision as narrow as a bean -- of narrow vision; myopic view of things; shortsighted; extremely shortsighted; unable to see beyond one's nose; see no further than what is right under one's nose; not to look any farther than the end of one's nose; of narrow vision 短语和例子不要这样目光如豆, 只看到鼻子尖下这一点点。 don't be so shortsighted as to see only what is under your nose
- 目光如豆的日语:〈成〉見識が浅いこと.目先がきかないこと.
- 目光如豆的韩语:【성어】 눈이 콩알만 하다;식견이 좁다. 시야가 좁다. 우물 안 개구리.
- 目光如豆的俄语:кругозор с горошину; узкий кругозор; недальновидность, близорукость