- 海角天涯什么意思:hǎi jiǎo tiān yá 【解释】形容极远的地方,或彼此相隔极远。【拼音码】hjty【用法】联合式;作宾语;指偏僻遥远的地方【英文】the remotest corners of the earth
- 海角天涯的英语:the corners of the sea and the end of the sky - - far-off regions; the corners of the world; (go to) the ends of the earth; the (ultimate) ends of the world; the four corners of the earth; the remotest corners [regions] of the earth; the utmost ends [regions; parts] of the earth
- 海角天涯的日语:うみやそらのはて海 や空 の果て
- 海角天涯的俄语:pinyin:hǎijiǎotiānyáна краю света