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  • 树大招风什么意思:shù dà zhāo fēng 【解释】比喻人出了名或有了钱财就容易惹人注意,引起麻烦。【出处】明·吴承恩《西游记》第三十三回:“这正是树大招风风撼树,人为名高名丧人。”【示例】再者~,土地、山峦多了容易显眼,惹人反对。(冯德英《迎春花》第四章)【拼音码】sdzf【用法】紧缩式;作谓语、分句;形容地位高易受到攻击【英文】high trees attract the wind
  • 树大招风的英语:a tall tree catches the wind -- a person in a high position is liable to be attacked.; a great tree inspires the wind.; destruction pursues the great.; great winds blow upon high hills.; oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm.; the higher the tree, the stronger the wind
  • 树大招风的法语:Chu dai chiu fung
  • 树大招风的日语:〈成〉木が大きくなれば風当たりも強くなる.地位が高くなれば攻撃の目標になりやすいたとえ.
  • 树大招风的韩语:【성어】 나무가 크면 바람도 세다;명성이 높을수록 다른 사람의 시기와 공격을 많이 받는다. =[官大有险, 树大招风]
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