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  • 有志者事竟成什么意思:yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng 【解释】只要有决心,有毅力,事情终究会成功。【出处】《后汉书·耿?传》:“将军前在南阳,建此大策,常以为落落难合,有志者事竟成也。”【拼音码】yzzc【用法】复句式;作状语;含褒义【英文】where there's a will there's a way
  • 有志者事竟成的英语:nothing is impossible to a willing mind.; a man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed.; a willful man always has way.; everything comes to him who wants.; it's dogged (that) does it.; strong-willed people get results.; success goes to the determined.; where there's a will there's a way
  • 有志者事竟成的法语:vouloir,c'est pouvoir./qui veut peut./la persévérance vient à bout de tout
  • 有志者事竟成的日语:〈諺〉志さえあれば必ず成功する.
  • 有志者事竟成的韩语:【속담】 뜻만 있으면 일은 반드시 성취된다;하려고만 들면 못 해낼 일이 없다. =[有志竟成]
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