- 暗送秋波什么意思:àn sòng qiū bō 【解释】旧时比喻美女的眼睛象秋天明净的水波一样。指暗中眉目传情。【出处】宋·苏轼《百步洪》诗之二:“佳人未肯回秋波,幼舆欲语防飞梭。”【示例】对张(作霖)则~,对曹(锟)尤密切勾结。(《民国通俗演义》)【拼音码】asqb【灯谜面】八月夜里涛声急【用法】动宾式;作谓语、定语;比喻献媚取宠,暗中勾搭【英文】make secret, overtures to somebody
- 暗送秋波的英语:make eyes at a man [woman] (while others are not looking); cast sheep's eyes at one of the opposite sex; convey one's love by stealing a look; leer at; make secret overtures to sb.; ogle (at); secretly to cast flirtatious looks at sb.; send silent and endearing messages with bewitchings eyes; stealthily to give sb. the glad eye; stealthily to send speechless messages 短语和例子她向那位漂亮的男演员暗送秋波。 she made eyes at the handsome actor
- 暗送秋波的法语:mater
- 暗送秋波的日语:an4song4qiu1bo1目色を使う.流し目を送る
- 暗送秋波的韩语:【성어】 은근히 추파를 던지다. 아첨하며 몰래 결탁하다.
- 暗送秋波的俄语:pinyin:ànsòngqiūbōтайком провожать осенние волны (обр. в знач.: строить глазки, стрелять глазами)