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  • 所向披靡什么意思:suǒ xiàng pī mǐ 【解释】所向:指力所到达的地方;披靡:溃败。比喻力量所达到的地方,一切障碍全被扫除。【出处】《史记·项羽本纪》:“于是项王大呼驰下,汉军皆披靡。”【示例】遂与其友鲜伯等百余人,直犯秦阵,~,杀死秦兵无算。(明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第四十六回)【拼音码】sxpm【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义【英文】invincible
  • 所向披靡的英语:carry the world before one; carry all before one; ever triumphant; ever victorious; have uninterrupted success; make a clean sweep of all obstacles wherever one goes; mow down all resistance; sweep away all obstacles; (the army) was sweeping forward from victory to victory.; wherever they went, the hostile army dispersed.: 解放军所向披靡, 不到一个月就解放了全省。 wherever the p.l.a. went, the hositle army dispersed, and in less than a month, the whole province was liberated
  • 所向披靡的法语:tout bouleverser sur son passage;tout succombe à son assaut.
  • 所向披靡的日语:〈成〉向かうところすべてなびく.力の及ぶところすべての障害が除かれる.
  • 所向披靡的韩语:【성어】 (바람이 불어) 가는 곳마다 초목이 쓰러지다;(군대 따위가) 가는 곳마다 적을 무너뜨리다. 대적할 자가 없다. 무적.
  • 所向披靡的俄语:[suǒxiàng pīmǐ] обр. не знать себе преград; всепобеждающий
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