- 倒海翻江什么意思:dǎo hǎi fān jiāng 【解释】形容力量或声势非常浩大。【出处】宋·陆游《夜宿阳山矶》诗:“五更颠风吹急雨,倒海翻江洗残暑。”【示例】风仗雨势,雨借风威,那雨像~似地下了起来。【拼音码】dhfj【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;形容心情无比激动【英文】take great trouble as overturning the river and upsetting the sea
- 倒海翻江的英语:turn over the sea and river (describing the strength of the flow [movement]); worldshaking; with a gigantic and vigorous force
- 倒海翻江的日语:〈成〉等同于(请查阅) fān jiāng dǎo hǎi 【翻江倒海】
- 倒海翻江的韩语:【성어】 (군사·운동 등의) 세력이 물밀듯 퍼져 나가다. =[翻江倒海]
- 倒海翻江的俄语:pinyin:dǎohǎifānjiāngобр. опрокидывать море и обращать вспять реки; бурный, ураганный