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闯祸 get into trouble
闯红灯 run the red light
闯练 leave home to temper oneself
闯荡 make a living wandering from...
闯过急流险滩 sweep over rapids and shoals...
闯进 inbreak
闯进去 break in
闯进来 rush in
闰余 epact
闰年 leap year
闰日 intercalary day
闰月 intercalary month in the lun...
闰期 intercalation
闰秒 leap second
a side gate of an imperial p...
闱墨 selections from papers of su...
not busy
闲不住 refuse to stay idle
闲书 light readings
闲事 a matter that does not conce...
闲云野鹤 wild stock or floating cloud...
闲人 an unoccupied person
闲人免进 No admittance except on busi...
闲人莫入 No entrance except on busine...
闲地 public land
闲坐 sit at leisure
闲居 stay at home idle
闲工夫 spare time
闲庭信步 stroll idly in a courtyard
闲得发慌 be plagued with leisure
闲得无聊 be plagued with too much lei...
闲心 leisurely mood
闲情逸致 be in a leisurely and carefr...
闲房 unoccupied room or house
闲扯 chat
闲散 free and at leisure
闲散人员 idle personnel
闲散劳动力 idle labor
闲散土地 scattered plots of unutilize...
闲散资金 idle funds
闲是闲非 irrelevant disputes about af...
闲暇 leisure
闲暇无事 be at leisure and unoccupied
闲杂 without fixed duties
闲杂人员 people without fixed duties
闲来无事 be free and at leisure
闲极无聊 find time hang heavy on one'...
闲气 anger about trifles
闲混 idle away
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