绿色组织 chlorenchyma | 绿色贝蕾帽 the Green Berets | 绿色长城 green great wall | 绿色颜料 viridine green | 绿色食品 food to be no pollution and ... | 绿苔 green paint | 绿茵茵 green and lush | 绿茶 green tea | 绿茶霉素 matchamycin | 绿草如茵 The grass looks like a green... | 绿草如茵的草坪 a grassy lawn | 绿草茸茸 a carpet of green grass | 绿荫 shade | 绿荫满窗 The plants cast their green ... | 绿荫繁花 with shady green trees and f... | 绿荫面积 forested area | 绿莹莹 glittering | 绿萍 duckweed | 绿藻 green alga | 绿藻地衣 archilichenes | 绿藻相 chloralgal facies | 绿衣使者 mail carrier | 绿豆 urad | 绿豆糕 green bean cake | 绿豆芽 sprouts of mung bean |
| 绿贝 green snail | 绿野 the green field | 绿霉 green mould | 绿饲 greenfeed | 绿鬓朱颜 dark hair and ruddy complexi... | 绿鸠 green pigeon | 缀 sew | 缀句成章 put sentences together in co... | 缀合 join together | 缀文 compose an essay | 缀纽扣 sew on a button | 缀词文法 affix grammar | 缀辑 put words together correctly | 缀饰 decoration | 缀饰法 decoration method | 缁 black | 缂丝 a type of weaving done by th... | 缃 pale yellow yellow silks | 缄 seal | 缄口 keep one's mouth shut | 缄口不答 make no reply at all | 缄口不言 keep silent | 缄口结舌 bite the lip or tongue | 缄默 keep silent | 缄默不语 keep silent about... |