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木须肉 shredded pork and eggs with ...
木马 vaulting horse
木马计 the stratagem of the Trojan ...
木鱼 wooden fish
木鱼木鱼歌 wood fish
木鱼脑壳 Buddhist wooden fish
did not
未为晚也 It is not too late -- not to...
未了 unfinished
未了之事 unfinished task
未了事宜 unfinished business
未了公案 an unsettled problem
未了的债务 outstanding debts
未了的心愿 an unfulfilled wish
未了的手续 formalities still to be comp...
未了责任转入 entry of portfolio
未付 outstanding
未付差额 unpaid balance
未付股利 unpaid dividend
未付费用 unpaid expense
未便 not be in a position to
未便擅自处理 cannot do it without authori...
未便操之过急 It's no good being overhasty...
未便立即答复 find it difficult to give an...
未偿 outstanding
未偿债务 outstanding debt
未偿债权 unliquidated claims
未偿公债 outstanding government secur...
未偿本金 outstanding principal
未偿贷款 outstanding loans
未偿资本 outstanding capital
未免 rather
未免太早 It is too early to...
未免太过份了 go a bit too far
未免生硬了些 be rather harsh
未决 unsettled
未决犯 prisoner awaiting trial
未决赔款 outstanding losses
未决赔款准备金 reserve for outstanding loss...
未分利益 undivided profit
未利用的资源 idle resources
未卜先知 know without consulting orac...
未可 cannot
未可一概而论 must not make sweeping gener...
未可乐观 give no cause for optimism
未可厚非 be not altogether inexcusabl...
未可逆料 be problematic
未可预卜 cannot foretell
未可骄傲自大 cannot swell with pride
未命中 miss
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