木须肉 shredded pork and eggs with ... |
木马 vaulting horse |
木马计 the stratagem of the Trojan ... |
木鱼 wooden fish |
木鱼木鱼歌 wood fish |
木鱼脑壳 Buddhist wooden fish |
未 did not |
未为晚也 It is not too late -- not to... |
未了 unfinished |
未了之事 unfinished task |
未了事宜 unfinished business |
未了公案 an unsettled problem |
未了的债务 outstanding debts |
未了的心愿 an unfulfilled wish |
未了的手续 formalities still to be comp... |
未了责任转入 entry of portfolio |
未付 outstanding |
未付差额 unpaid balance |
未付股利 unpaid dividend |
未付费用 unpaid expense |
未便 not be in a position to |
未便擅自处理 cannot do it without authori... |
未便操之过急 It's no good being overhasty... |
未便立即答复 find it difficult to give an... |
未偿 outstanding |