风向 wind direction |
风吹叶落 The wind blows and the leave... |
风吹得尘土飞扬 The dust was blown about by ... |
风吹来了青草和野花的清香 The winds came down with the... |
风吹枝曳 When the wind blows,the bran... |
风吹树叶沙沙作响 The leaves rustled in the wi... |
风吹树叶簌簌响 The leaves are rustling in t... |
风吹浪打 be beaten by wind and waves |
风吹浪打不动摇 never waver in the storm and... |
风吹窗户格格发响 The windows were rattling in... |
风吹草伏 The grass bends low in a puf... |
风吹草动 Wind sways grass. |
风吹过树林 The wind blew through the fo... |
风吹雨打 The wind blows and the rain ... |
风吼雪舞 The howling wind whirls snow... |
风味 special flavour |
风味小吃 local flavour snacks |
风味菜 typical local dish |
风和日丽 The wind is mild and the sun... |
风和日暖 The winds blow gently and th... |
风啸浪涌 The wind howls,waves wildly ... |
风嘴 tuyere |
风嚎海啸 The wind howls,the sea roars... |
风土 natural conditions and socia... |
风土人情 local customs and practices |