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期中股利 interim dividends
期于 look forward to
期刊 journal
期刊中的书评 periodical book reviews
期刊阅览室 periodical reading room
期初 the beginning of the period
期初余额 beginning balance
期初在制品 initial goods in process
期初盈余 surplus at opening of the pe...
期年 one year a full month
期待 anticipate
期待成功 expect success
期待着 in expectation of
期待获得财产 expectation of property
期望 hope
期望值 expected value
期望和平 wish for peace
期望得到荣誉 desire honour
期望收益 expected revenue
期望甚殷 earnestly look forward to
期末 end of term
期末存货 final inventory
期末库存量 closing inventory
期末考试 end-of-term examination
期求 crave for
期满 expire
期满失效 lapse
期满通知书 notice of expiry
期票 promissory note
期票买价 buying rate for time bill
期票承兑人 acceptance house
期票贴现 discount on a promissory not...
期票贴现率 usance bill rate
期终 end of the semester
期终考试 term examination
期考 end-of-term examination
期许 expect to
期货 futures
期货交易 dealing in futures
期货交易所 futures exchange
期货价格 forward price
期货佣金商 futures commission merchant
期货卖方抢购 short squeeze
期货合同 futures contract
期货市场 terminal market
期货汇兑合同 forward exchange contract
期货汇率 forward exchange rate
期货溢价 contango
期货选择买卖市场 option market
期间 time
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