- 期货 futures; forward
- 卖方 the selling party; seller; v ...
- 抢购 rush to purchase; panic buyi ...
- 抢购 rush to purchase; panic buying [purchasing]; make panic purchase (of) 抢购风潮 panic purchasing; 抢购物资 panic buying of goods; rush for goods; 节日期间的抢购 the festival rush; 抢购风 buying spree; large scale panic purchasing; 抢购者 snapper-up
- 卖方 the selling party; seller; vendor 卖方负担风险 let the seller beware; 卖方仓库交货价(格) [外贸] ex warehouse; ex godown; 卖方发货人 seller consignor; 卖方国边境指定地交货价 f. o. r. border of the seller's country; 卖方决定 (选择) seller's option; 卖方剩余 seller's surplus; 卖方市场 sellers' market; 卖方信贷 seller's credit; supplier's credit; 卖方样品 seller's sample; 卖方自发报价 unsolicited offer
- 现货卖家 spot seller
- 包购, 抢购 preclusive buying
- 抢购风 henpecked husband; panic buying buying spree
- 抢购者 snapper up
- 期货 [经] futures; forward 做期货交易 deal in futures; 期货汇率 forward exchange rate; 期货合同 futures contract; forward contract; 期货汇兑合同 forward exchange contract; futures exchange contract; 期货汇率 forward rate; 期货价格 forward price; futures price; 期货交易 dealing in futures; futures trading; forward trading; forward business; futures business; 期货交易所 futures exchange; 期货卖方抢购 short squeeze; 期货市场 terminal market; futures market; option market; forward market; market for futures; 期货选择买卖市场 option market; 期货溢价 contango; 期货佣金商 futures commission merchant
- 诱使对方抢截 invite a tackle
- 持币抢购 holding money and rushing to buy
- 黄金抢购风 gold rush
- 恐慌性抢购 panic buying
- 抢购风潮 buying spree; panic purchasing
- 抢购物资 panic buying of goods; rush for goods
- 限时抢购 flash sale
- 坏卖方 machinery vendor
- 空头(卖方) short
- 卖方,卖主 seller
- 卖方样 seller’s sample
- 要价(卖方) the asking price
- 期货,期货契约 futures
- 远期货,期货 forward
- 保护以防守对方抢球 run interference for